

I have been here for 10 month. I am finally getting used to being in English only enviroment which is in cleveland where I can hardly find Japanese people . My english is not great enough but I keep working on it in order to reach my goal. I would like to write about how I study english and motivate myself.


最初アメリカに来て初めの半年くらいは、毎日学校が終わるとすぐにジムに行きその後、5時すぎから11時くらいまで図書館にこもるという生活を送っていました。その生活もあったおかでかなり単語や文法のレベルは上がりました。In first half year, I went to gym right after my school and then stayed in the libraly until around 11pm. Thanks to the experience, my gramatical skill and vocabulaly levels were improved. 



However, I did not feel like my english skills are improving. at that time I thought it is because  my efforet were not enough.thus, I kept working on grammer and vocabulaliy 



One day, I got to go a ice cream shop with the girl who I used to crush on.lol I was really excited about it. But, eventually I could not get almost everything what she was talking about. lol I just respond ''yeah'' and pletend to understand. That was disaster lol



off cource, we ended up staying in a friend.



The night, I was really frustrated about myself because although I studied english hard, I could not have fluent conversation. and I found myself that I completly forgot to output what I studied in library. I realized that I consider English as study not language. In addtion, What natives speak in english consist of some slung that I have never been taught from texbook or school.




at that same, I realize how stupid i was, but If I didn't notice that I would still keeping doing that same things. However, it was not a waste of time at all. 



その次の日からしたこと What I did from Follwing day 

podcast (hapa英会話)を聞いて、スクリプトを読んで自分がその会話の中の人になりきって音読する。これはかなりおすすめ!!

I stared listening Podcasr (hapa ei kai wa) and speak up the script  while making believe like a people in the conversation. This is what I highly recconmend.


Image result for hapa英会話


2 Podcat で新しく覚えた単語をひたすら自分の独り言で言う。

I spoke to myself by using what I learned from the conversation.




I looked at 100 new vocabulales . these are basically for academic terms.

(It is unprodutive that I stop to remember a term everytime. I try to look at 100 words at high pace repeatedly. then you will remember them before you knew it .


新しいことを始める時は、途中で投げ出したくなってしまったりめんどくさいという気持ちがすぐ出てきてしまうので、まずはこの上3つは最低毎日することに決めた。これを続けてみてわかったのが、めんどくださいことは習慣化することでめんどくさいことではなくなることがわかった。シンプル言うと、勉強を歯磨きやシャワーと同じカテゴリーやと考えるようにして、それが生活の一部となり、めんどせーっという気持ちにはなりにくくなった. when I strat off something new, I tend to give up or feel pain in the neck half way through. I made up my mind to do those 3things at least.  I noticed that making those things as a hibit is a good  way to continue to do that. To say briefly, You should catagolize studing like brushing of teeth or taking a shower so that you do not feel tedious.


Image result for habit



in the beginning, I felt guilty that studing without sitting on a seat, a few months later,  I started have come to understand what native speakers talked about. 



today's studying spot ( nearby beach)







I'll write about my motivation sometime soon.



Enjoy your life!