First thing what I did at 7:30am was oil chage in this morning, after that I still have plenty of time, so I am in the little italy which is 10min away from my house to write my blog. I re-realized how great waking up early in the morning is. it makes me good and stay in postive.
this triangle bread was too sweet. I feel like American way of thinking toward sweets is that it is good if it's sweet.(may be my stereotype tho)
Today, I would like to write about my studing abroad plan.
現在オハイオ州、クリーブランドにある Cuyahoga community colleage と言うところで学生をしています。ここは2年生大学で日本でいうところの短大みたいな感じ。
I currently study in Cuyahoga Community Colleage in Cleveland Ohio. I Will be here at least 2 years .
ここに2年間在籍し卒業してそしてここの短大卒の学位を片手にオハイオステイト大学に3年生としてお仲間に入れてもらおうという作戦です。After I get a degree here, I'm planing to transfer to The Ohio State University as a junior.
I want to major in sports industry in Ohio state. The reason why is very simple.Since I am a huge fan of sports, thus I want to know how sports businnes works or what kind of job contribute to a sports business. It is kind of childish reason though.
ここに入るためには、今の大学の GPA(成績みたなもの) を4.0中最低でも 3.5にキープしなければならない。まぁ簡単にゆうとすべての科目で90点以上は取らないといけない。今まで90点以上なんて数回しかとったことのない僕にとってはかなり高いハードル。それと後はパーソナルエッセイって言って自分はどーいう人なのかというのを書いた作文と。What I have to do in order to get into the university is to keep my GPA at 3.5 at least out of 4.0. To explan briefly, I have to keep getting over 90 score on every subjects. That would be super hard because I've gotten a over 90 only a few times in my whole life. And write a personal essay.
Therefore, from next week loooog term entrance exam will be starting.
I finally passed English highest class last simister. I am going to take some classed with american students from next wednesday.
I going to take psycology and math and the subject about tranfering or colleage system.
surprisingly, I am interested in psycology, so excited to study it.
Enjoy your life!!